Meaning of Receipts – Proof


re·​ceipt | \ ri-ˈsēt [ ri-seet ]

  • a written acknowledgment of having received, or taken into one’s possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc.
  • receipts, the amount or quantity received:
  • the act of receiving or the state of being received:
  • something that is received.
  • receipts, Slang. evidence or proof

Above is the accepted dictionary definition, but recently it’s the last item – the one designated as “Slang” that is more commonly understood by a social media saturated public.

And I’ve Got Receipts

One of the earliest uses came from Whitney Houston in a 2002 interview with Diane Sawyer asking about whether it was true that she used drugs. Houston denies it and says “No way, I want to see the receipt from the drug dealer when I bought $730,000 worth of drugs” – she was being literal. It’s not at all likely drug dealers provide actual receipts. Here’s that exchange in a video clip:

The claim of having receipts seems to have gotten a stronger foothold around 2016 with a public spat between Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift, according to Vox. But this time the receipt is not literal. It has been updated to suggest video evidence or screen captures of social media exchanges or conversations.

It’s more likely to mean Proof or Evidence than a request for a slip of paper with prices and subtotals under a dated purchase record from the grocery store. Unfortunately, there are no refunds, no returns and no warranty.

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