Tom’s Diner in Denver has a funny menu item which looks a bit odd when you see it on your meal receipt. They’ll charge you $0.38 cents for “One stupid question”. The menu displays other items under “Healthy Options” that don’t make it to your receipt. “Skip your next meal – $ Money Well Saved” or there is “Walk Home – Priceless.” Neither cost anything, both elicit smiles from diners.
It’s all about not taking yourself too seriously. We’re not here for a long time, so let’s enjoy ourselves and try to make the most of this life.
Hunter Landry (Manager at Tom’s Diner) as told to Chrissy Callahan for Today.
The actual .38 cents charge must be considered worth the money by customers because there is no mention of customer complaints at being charged for a chuckle.
Does Tom’s Diner collect sales taxes on that portion of the bill? Does the state of Colorado classify humor as taxable? And does Tom’s pay 3 or 4 cents or so out of that amount in taxes to the state of Colorado and city of Denver? They might be setting aside something to build a new website for the business because the domain name is parked now – even though the internet archive has old snapshots of the site that was gone as of publish date.

Got a receipt with an interesting or funny story behind it? Show us your Receipts!