Walmart ‘The Receipt’ Short
The 2017 Oscars had an unusual advertising campaign from Walmart. It was titled as you might expect from this site – ‘The Receipt‘. Each separate commercial was created by award-winning directors to be aired at the 89th Academy Awards, which was sponsored by Walmart. The items listed on the receipt were Everything added up to…
Money Spent, Where it Went
Robert Frost Money Quote “Never ask of money spentWhere the spender thinks it went.Nobody was ever meantTo remember or inventWhat he did with every cent”— Robert Frost
Whitehouse Gas Receipt
View this post on Instagram A post shared by The White House (@whitehouse) The Whitehouse shared a mock-up of a receipt showing the cost of gasoline to make a point about declining gas prices.
Receipts as Evidence of Crime
It is common for criminal investigations to search for and seize receipts as evidence for all types of crimes. Below are references to cases that have used paper consumer and retail receipts as proof that a suspect purchased items connected to a particular case. Those receipts typically show date and time, location and method of…
Uniform Receipt Lottery in Taiwan
Have you heard of purchase receipts with quick-pick style lottery numbers printed on them? Apparently this has been a thing in Taiwan ROC since 1951, when the Finance Ministry began the every-other-month lottery to encourage people to collect receipts (and) pay sales taxes. Six sets of eight-digit numbers are drawn and announced in a ‘live’…
Buying A Receipt at Sotheby’s Auction
A 1959 receipt from conceptual artist Yves Klein is being auctioned off on April 6 and is expected to bring in over a half-million dollars for current owner, Loic Malle – who is an art advisor and former gallery owner. (Update) The Sotheby’s auction sold the receipt for $1,151,467.40 – about three times what it…
Academic Study of Litter Using Data From Receipts
It’s not uncommon to see receipts as litter, along with packaging or bags from restaurants or retailers beside them along the roadside, gutters or in parking lots. Now researchers have dug-in to the details of where that garbage originates by looking at receipt data. Here’s an introduction from the abstract of the study: Urban areas…
Album Receipts: Time Cost of Music
How much you invest in music used to be simply how much have you spent on your vinyl or on a CD collection. But with subscriptions, it has become whether you subscribe to Apple Music or Spotify with the associated fees. But what about how much time it costs to listen to an album (remember…
Receipt Printers Hacked to Display Union Messages
Imagine you are working your shit retail job when this comes out of your register. R/antiwork pic.twitter.com/N6SAJ9ogq5 — MⒶGEbit 🟩🏴🍄 (@Mage_Bit) November 25, 2021 Imagine retail cashiers during the busy Christmas shopping season, who present customers with receipts which have apparently been altered to display messages in support of unions. It’s happening, according to Vice…
Receipts as Historical Markers
Some of us have kept old car window price stickers to show friends and family our purchase of a prized possession. But sometimes it’s not about the purchase itself, but rather the place of a random purchase. For a time I kept receipts from my foreign travels to show that I’d been to exotic locales.…