It is common for criminal investigations to search for and seize receipts as evidence for all types of crimes. Below are references to cases that have used paper consumer and retail receipts as proof that a suspect purchased items connected to a particular case. Those receipts typically show date and time, location and method of purchase (credit or debit cards), and are often found in vehicles and homes of suspects. Bad guys stuff those receipts in pockets or leave them lying around just like the rest of us. Few see them as potential proof of guilt – only as proof of purchase.

This page will be updated as new crime stories involving receipts are brought to our attention.
“We had paper copies of surveillance images and receipts we had obtained — prior to the search warrants — from Walmart,” said Eveslage.
She said in those images was one of Angela, leaving the Waverly Walmart with a cart of purchased items. In other surveillance shots, the Wagner family vehicle could be seen pulling away.
ABC TV in Cincinnati
Credit Card Fraud
Police, who searched a rented vehicle and found boxes of Home Depot merchandise, receipts for fraudulent purchases, temporary charge passes with Sinlao’s name and credit card numbers that weren’t his. … Surveillance cameras showed Sinlao involved in about 78 unauthorized transactions, and receipts and other records show that he gave his driver’s license number in 88 transactions.
My Journal Courier New Orleans
Receipts showing purchases for gas, gas cans, and other items helped officials identify the suspect in the homicide of four in Laurel, Nebraska. … officials found a black backpack with several receipts, one dated the day before from a gas station in Laurel for the purchase of $30 and were shown to have been purchased by the current suspect Jason Jones. A second receipt showed the purchase of an auto shutoff gas can, a fuel tank, and a camping backpack.
KSN TV – Kansas
Bank Robbery
Agents obtained a search warrant for Sharp’s residence and found receipts for $50,000 in recently purchased jewelry, men’s designer clothes with price tags still on them, and the components that Sharp used to make the hoax explosive device.
Bank Robber Sentenced
Car Theft
… stole the car from a residence and took it to a Dunkin’ drive-thru. The car was reported missing at 10:35 a.m. on Dec. 31 and found in a field later that day. A receipt found in the car had a 6:06 a.m. time stamp from that same day, which led police to review surveillance footage from the drive-thru
Stolen Car with Dunkin’ Donuts Receipt
Human Trafficking
According to court documents, law enforcement discovered cases of plastic cups, bottled water, bottled juice, and snacks located in the extreme rear of the passenger van. Law enforcement also discovered receipts dated January 18, 2022, for the drinks and snacks, and rental agreement receipts … for the van, with the return date listed for January 20, 2022
Human Smuggling Arrest at U.S/Canadian Border